Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One of the many joys of parenting...

Thought I'd let you share in my misery from last night...(and get a good laugh at our expense...)

So, we're at the dinner table and Ally loses all color from her face and starts rushing to the bathroom. I run after her to find her puking NEXT to the toilet. Not in a trash can, not in a toilet, but on the FLOOR next to the toilet. (By 8 yrs old, my expectations are definitely such that one should be puking IN the toilet!) So, after I step in it (just love that squishy feeling between my toes) as I guide her over to the proper receptacle, I yell for someone to get me a towel. Tom, in his normal delegating manner, tells Lena to get me one. She goes darting into the laundry room and gets me a towel. Rather than laying it over the "spill", she dumps it in a manner rendering it basically useless. I "calmly" (yah, right) ask her to get me another one. A few moments later, I see her from my peripheral vision running from the laundry towel in hand...and not saying anything. I again ask ever so politely (read my sarcasm there) to get me a (insert adjective here) towel and see her running back to the laundry room with a roll of paper towels. (All this while I'm holding Ally's hair back and fighting off the sympathy puke urges.) Using my keen senses to determine that something was awry I yell for Tom to come help (who has been continuing to calmly eat his dinner this entire time). And, now, the clear aroma of chlorine bleach starts to effervess. Tom takes over the hair holding and I go to the laundry room to find a full bottle of bleach spilled over my laundry room floor...seeping into the piles of laundry also located on the floor...still haven't gotten a plausible explanation as to how that exactly happened other than, "I was looking for a towel!" (In Lena's defense, the bleach was set precariously on top of a pile of laundry on a shelf.)

We now have tie-dye appearing towels and school uniforms and my house smells like an indoor swimming pool.

Ahh, I love our life!

(Yes, Ally is feeling much better now...)



Jacobs Friends said...

Hi Jer!!!
Just wanted to let you know that you are NOT alone in this department.... Bob can eat, sleep, watch TV through anything. I put your blog on the 'update' list. We have two set up. One just for families at and the other for Jacobs Friends at
I am so glad you set this up! You can email me at Look forward to your future posts and mailings!

Jacobs Friends said...

And I'm glad to hear you are still you!
(The Christmas Cards.... we are so alike in many ways!) heehee!